Massage Services

Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body (tendons, ligaments, and fascia) for therapeutic or relaxation purposes.

Through varying techniques, the body can be aided to improve circulation and tenderness and assist in relaxation. Therefore, ensuring that the whole body (skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, and nervous systems) will benefit from the promotion of general wellness and healing.

There are several types of massage that focus on various parts of the body or healing approaches. Massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the body using hands. During a massage, a massage therapist will apply gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to ease pain and tension. A massage therapist is a person trained in giving massages.

So You Massage Therapy offers a variety of massages, depending on your needs. Contact Sarah to discuss your requirements and how we can tailor your massage needs

Swedish massage

All about relaxation, normally with a softer pressure. A pain free pampering massage.

Deep tissue massage

This is still a relaxation massage, only with a firmer pressure and to target a deeper layer of muscle. Beneficial for those that like a good pain!

Remedial massage

A massage for people with injuries or lower back pain, persisting head, neck or shoulder pain, aiming for more specific targeted needs. A deep tissue massage will work into targeted areas to help realign the fibres of the muscles and assist with realignment.

Pregnancy massage

Tailored to suit the individual.  Performed lying upon ones side.                                                          

Hot stone massage

A very relaxing massage, promoting a deep level of circulation throughout the body with a type of volcanic stone that retains heat.


This can also be known as zone therapy. It is an alternative medicine involving pressure to the feet and the hands with specific techniques.

Reiki treatment

A form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Through placement of hands either above the client or with slight contact, Universal energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioners hands to the patient in order to encourage emotional and physical healing.

Massage Hamilton NZ